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These are the commands related to the Strategizing feature of Piggy RPG.


The battle strategy your Piggy uses makes it differ from other Piggies. This includes NPCs, shields, buffs, boosters and trading. You can view your Battle Strategy through the Dashboard as well.

/strategy NPC [toggle]
Toggle NPC mode which matches you with wild Piggies for battles in the same server.
  • toggle*
  • Off
/strategy shield [mode] [piggy-id]
Set shield mode to on/off/auto for a Piggy.
  • mode*
  • Off
  • Auto
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to set shield for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.
/strategy shield-global [toggle]
Set global shield for all your Piggies.
  • toggle*
  • Off
/strategy view [piggy-id]
View your current strategy configurations.
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to view strategy for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.
/strategy set-buffs [buff-codes] [piggy-id]
Equip buffs to a specific Piggy and make it stronger.
  • buff-codes*
    Enter the buff IDs. For example: <B1,B2,B3,B4>
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to set buffs for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.
/strategy toggle-buffs [toggle] [piggy-id]
Toggle/Reset the buff strategy of a Piggy.
  • toggle*
  • Off
  • Reset
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to toggle buffs for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.
/strategy set-booster [booster-code] [piggy-id]
Equip your Piggy with a booster.
  • booster-code*
    Enter the booster ID. For example: <BB1>
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to set booster for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.
/strategy toggle-booster [toggle] [piggy-id]
Toggle/Reset the booster strategy of a Piggy.
  • toggle*
  • Off
  • Reset
  • piggy-id*
    Enter the Piggy ID of the Piggy you want to toggle booster for. The Piggy ID are the digits after the # in your Piggy's name.


Buffs are items that a Piggy can equip and get stronger. There are 4 types of Buffs: Weapon, Armor, Booster and Exclusive.

/buff-view my [filter]
See your detailed buff collection.
  • filter
  • Gunslinger
  • Magician
  • Manga
  • Strategist
  • Musician
  • Weapon
  • Armor
  • Booster
  • Exclusive
/buff-view category [filter]
View buffs of a specific clan or category.
  • filter*
  • Gunslinger
  • Magician
  • Manga
  • Strategist
  • Musician
  • Weapon
  • Armor
  • Booster
  • Exclusive
/buff-view specific [buff-code]
See details of a specific buff.
  • buff-code*
    Enter the buff ID. For example: B1
/buff my [filter]
See your buff collection.
  • filter
  • Gunslinger
  • Magician
  • Manga
  • Strategist
  • Musician
  • Weapon
  • Armor
  • Booster
  • Exclusive
/buff category [filter]
View buffs of a specific clan or category.
  • filter*
  • Gunslinger
  • Magician
  • Manga
  • Strategist
  • Musician
  • Weapon
  • Armor
  • Booster
  • Exclusive
/buff buy [buff-code] [quantity]
Buy a specific buff.
  • buff-code*
    Enter the buff ID. For example: B1
  • quantity
    Enter the amount of the selected buff to buy.
/buff-sell [buff-code] [quantity]
Sell your owned buff/boosters.
  • buff-code*
    Enter the buff/booster ID. For example: B1
  • quantity
    Enter the amount of the selected buff/booster to buy.
/buff-upgrade [buff-code]
Upgrade your owned buff/boosters.
  • buff-code*
    Enter the buff ID. For example: B1


You can trade buffs and boosters with other players using the Trade feature.

/trade details
Get info about your active trades and usage of trade command.
/trade view [trade-id]
View a trade request in detail.
  • trade-id*
    Enter the trade ID.
/trade create [user-identifier] [user-buff-id] [own-buff-id]
Create a trade request.
  • user-identifier*
    Input the receiver's username or Discord ID in this field.
  • user-buff-id*
    Enter the ID of the buff you want to receive.
  • own-buff-id*
    Enter the ID of your buff to be traded.
/trade cancel [trade-id]
Remove a specific trade request.
  • trade-id*
    Enter the trade ID.
/trade-re details
Get info about your active trade requests and usage of trade-re command.
/trade-re view [trade-id]
View a trade request in detail.
  • trade-id*
    Enter the trade ID.
/trade-re accept [trade-id]
Accept an incoming trade request.
  • trade-id*
    Enter the trade ID.
/trade-re decline [trade-id]
Decline an incoming trade request.
  • trade-id*
    Enter the trade ID.
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