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These are the commands related to the Moderation feature of Piggy.


Kicking a member from a server will remove them while they still can join back the server any time they wish to.

/kick [user] [reason]
Kick users.
  • user*
    User to kick.
  • reason
    Why are they being kicked.


Banning a member from a server will remove them and they won't be able to join back until they are unbanned.

/ban [user-id] [username]
Ban server members.
  • user-id
    Enter the User ID of the member you want to ban.
  • username
    Enter the username of the member you want to ban.


Unbanning a member from a server will allow them to rejoin the server whenever they want to.

/unban [user-id] [username]
Unban server members.
  • user-id
    Enter the User ID of the member you want to unban.
  • username
    Enter the username of the member you want to unban.


Muting a server member would make them unable to send messages but they would still be a part of the server and would be able to view all messages. If you do not already have a Mute role then this command can create one for you. You can also choose the role to assign users that Piggy mutes through the Dashboard.

/mute [user-id] [username] [create-role]
Mute server members.
  • user-id
    Enter the User ID of the member you want to mute.
  • username
    Enter the username of the member you want to mute.
  • create-role
    Create mute role to be assigned to users who are being muted.


Unmuting a server member would allow them to be able to send messages like regular users again.

/unmute [user-id] [username]
Mute server members.
  • user-id
    Enter the User ID of the member you want to unmute.
  • username
    Enter the username of the member you want to unmute.

cleanup check

Old users are the users which haven't interacted with the bot or the server in a long time.

/cleanup check
Generate list of old users.

cleanup all

Cleaning up old users would remove them from the Piggy database.

/cleanup all
Cleanup old users.
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